And my flat is sold twice - Station 8, 448

 Waited for 12 years, followed every ask, went every year to check the progress, came to know that my flat is sold to someone else. Yes, you heard it right, its sold to someone else, without any reason, without any notification.

Do I have the Agreement of sale - Yes

Do I have the receipts of payments made - Yes

Did I pay on time - Yes

Did I sign any cancellation deed - No

Is there something I could have done - No.

How can they cancel it - I have the same question, you ask them too!(and share the replies they have)

Why didnt I go to court - I am, its going to be a long journey (3 years as I hear) and am on it.

For any new buyers, please please please do not fall for the features being told, sadly I fell for them.

Please ask for double selling of station 8 flat 448, do not fall for what is told, please reachout to me in comments box to hear my side and then make an educated call. I can connect you with 9 more who are in the same boat.

This time its not a fight just for money, its a fight for - being taken for granted, assuming that silence is weakness and this time I am going to fight for it.

Shall keep you posted, but do reachout via the comment box to hear more details. 


  1. Thanks for sharing in the group, this project fascinated earlier but not anymore. Will pass on the information to my society group.

  2. Hi, I recently entered into that trap unknowingly without doing much ground work. I paid token advance, then decided to cancel the deal. But for cancellation it's taking more than years. My hard earned money is stuck. How should I address this. Kindly help if someone went through the same path..


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